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Tuesday, 11 December 2012

# 2. MOTIVATIONS: Six (6) IMPACT tools for raising the bar.

“People say motivations don’t last. But neither does bathing. That’s why I recommend it ever y day”- Zig Ziglar (American Motivational Speaker).
Everyone daring to lift the level of his bar needs to be motivated to do so. Two sources of motivations exist; extrinsic and intrinsic sources. You may receive motivations from people like counselors, Preachers, friends, relatives etc., and those are from extrinsic sources. However the other side of the sources of motivation that makes you retain all those motivations is the intrinsic source also know known as “self-motivation”. Self-motivated dreamers are those who have a very little to entertain about “inferiority intensions” under whose Lordship your tendency to give up becomes easy. Self-motivation is to get up and tell yourself that “yes I can… yes, I qualify for it”.

“Stay away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that”- Mark Twain, rather mount the shoulders of giants and you will see farther than them, raising your bar inch by inch.
Karen Miller exercised this by courageously saying “when someone tells me “no”, it doesn’t mean I can’t. It simply means I can’t do it with him”. This is a great saying to relief signs and symptoms of intimidation and inferiority that kept people static for ages now. Tricia Cunningham sent an advisory note to all “naysayers” saying “the individual who says it is not possible should move out of the way of those doing it”
Join groups that inspire you positively and motivate your to take on the future with courage.

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