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Thursday, 1 May 2014

Fulfill what you promised!

In His manifesto, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit of God to us when He ascended into the Kingdom above. He fulfilled this mission. Mission accomplished!

Unfortunately, in our world, we have so-called "Christian" politicians who promise giving their people a big ocean, only to go up there, not even thinking of lending them a cup of water!

Christ taught it all with his principles and his personality. He knew He would send the comforter; He never fail it! It's not enough for you to know the principles he taught, you must practice his personality; you must be like Him!

Great people make plans and promises that they yearn to fulfill. Keep your eyes on the goals you set to accomplish; let them be done as planned!

If you can't do it, don't pledge to do it. Don't be a liar; say only what you can do. It's better for you to have a "single sentence" manifesto about your life which is fulfilled than to have 25 chapters' theories about your visions that remain undone!

Check yourself; fulfill the promises!

Billions of dreams die off every year. I believe yours will not be part of that proportion! This book was written purposefully to safeguard the dreams we have about the future everyday and make them become realities. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! This book “Shaping the dream” is a major contribution to inspirational literature, that …exposes the action plans to take when you have a dream and want to see it actualized! This book provides you with the knowledge you need to create make you an achiever! In “Shaping the dream”, you will discover 101 thought provoking principles that will guide you to make your dreams become realities with emphasis on attitude building, personal branding and time management among others.
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