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Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Lead people to somewhere!

It is illegal to lead people to nowhere. A leader can only lead as far as he has reached. Leaders who are blind can only lead to the level of visionlessness. True leaders, who have vision, can lead with motion. It is simple; you can't give what you don't have. If you have ignorance, its ignorance you give; if you have wisdom, its wisdom you give!

Vision guides your motion and this means visionlessness is motionlessnes. Bad leaders keep moving but refuse progress and all this happen because they have sight, but lack vision!

It's a crime to lead people to nowhere. It is a waste of human resource and energy to keep following a leader with the hope of getting somewhere, later to realize you are getting lost. When the direction is wrong, the destination is automatically wrong.

God does not give a forward movement to an organization, nation or business that is already on the wrong direction. The best he can say is "go back a little and begin from where to miss your way".

As a leader, take time to ask yourself this question: "am I on the track?". Keep asking it till you get the right answer always! Never lead people to nowhere, it is a crime!

Go, dare and live life so well!

--Israelmore Ayivor
Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here

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