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Thursday 16 August 2012

Seven (7) things all leaders should learn

Leadership is not restricted to positions of authority or stature and can, in fact, be practiced by individuals acting within their sphere of influence without being labeled as leaders. Once a time you may find yourself in situation that can only be solved with leadership skills and failure of these may make you lose that opportunity. Follow these seven (7) lessons carefully and you will see how awesome it is to act as a leader of your own!

L- Listen to Learn- Leaders who listen to learn understand that true listening employs consistent eye contact, facing the speaker, avoiding distractions and waiting until the speaker is finished before responding. Listen to the plights of your followers and respond promptly

E- Empathize with Emotions- This entails aligning the leader's personal feelings with those they are in contact with without letting sympathy for the other person cause a loss of objectivity. Sympathize when necessary and let it be known how you feel about your followers’ circumstances.

A- Attend to Aspirations- Personal goals should be acknowledged and encouraged in order for aspirations to thrive in a positive climate. A leader must dream big and it takes dreams and aspirations to differentiate those who exist from those who are just making a living.

D- Diagnose and Detail- A leader must have the skills to diagnose and detail the facts in any conversation in order to avoid wrong assumptions and undesirable conclusions.

E- Engage for good Ends- Leadership entails selecting the right course of action in planning, decision making, and business practice to help bring the best overall results for the company while adhering to ethical standards.

R- Respond with Respectfulness- Respectful leaders honor the worth and dignity of individuals, are sensitive to power differences, and resolve conflicts with honesty and patience.

S- Speak with Specificity- Speaking reveals leadership skills as well as the personal power and sphere of influence one has in an organization. Be specific and consistent in your speech.

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