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Friday, 30 November 2012

# 7. Wrong definition of failure: (Seven main reasons why peopel become quitters)

People who hold wrong perceptions about failure can never bear success badges on their chests. Dictionary defines failure as “lack of success” or “a person who is unsuccessful”, no controversy. That is from the dictionary anyway, but to great achievers, this definition is incomplete until you add words of hope to it and these words of hope make failure seem beneficial. To great achievers, failure is an opportunity, or a privilege, or a credit to really put you on course. Henry Ford proposed that “failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, and this time, more intelligently”.

The greatest concern of Abraham Lincoln about failure is “whether you are content with your failure?” This question will either make you to quit or to try again depending on the answer you would provide. Lincoln suggested “it is better to try and fail than not to try at all”. Winston Churchill agreed by declaring, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”. Dare to fail and you will succeed at the end of your trial.

“Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success”- Napoleon Hill
“Just because you fail once doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything”- Marilyn Monroe
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed”- Theodore Roosevelt
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly”- Robert F. Kennedy

As an aspiring achiever, you need to have many dreams and “if one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those piece and begin again”, said Flavia Weedn.  Don’t listen to mockeries and insults from people. Their attitude shouldn’t make you to give up on your dreams. Rather mount the shoulders of giants and you will see farther than them!

When it seems all hopes are lost, you can still go. Franklin Roosevelt said “when you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hung on”. Get something to stick yourself to, the knot is enough. If you don’t stick or hung on something valuable, you can’t get there; “consider the postage stamp. Its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there”, said Josh Billings.

# 6. A Search for pleasure: (Seven (7) main reasons why people become quitters)

It is unfortunate that people are more conscious of associating success with happiness. Happiness may be listed among the features of success anyway, but cannot be the success itself. In any case, over consciousness of pleasurable entertainments lead people into premature spendthrift folly and this leaves them broke. To them, all about success is “rise and chill”. People with this mental attitude only resort to withdrawal when things seem though!

# 5. Lack of Change: (Seven (7) main reasons why people become quitters)

To succeed, you need to switch onto a better attitude, a better value, a better relationship and better goals. Some people are willing to make indelible impacts in their fields of endeavor, but their current attitude cannot accommodate success. All they need is to reconstruct their parlous estates and they will welcome success in a ceremonial way. It’s only two things; either you change or you quit.

“Decide what you want. Decide what you are willing to exchange for it” (HL Hunt).

You don’t need money or meals to change yourself; “what is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself”, said Abraham Maslow.

-Israelmore Ayivor

# 4. Fear of competition: (Seven main reasons why people become quitters)

Competition never kills because it has never killed anyone before. People are easily defeated when they see others doing what they can do in a far better way. They however reject all hopes that they can make it to that level. If you think like this, you will forever be a quitter. Start in a small way, but let the sky be below your limit.

-Israelmore Ayivor

# 3. Inability to pay the cost: (Seven (7) main reasons why people become quitters)

Most people also quit because, they are unable to pay the cost of fulfilling their dreams and eventually, their purposes. Most of these people think success is as easy as a night dream. Sorry to say “success is not bagged on the silver platter”. Neither is it day dreamt.

Rather, it is bargained for and worked for and paid for in the expected currency. You can’t be an achiever without determination, persistence, endurance and persistence. These qualities differentiate a dream worker from a mere dreamer.

-Israelmore Ayivor

# 2. Lack of determination: (Seven (7) main reasons why people become quitters)

“The main reason why most people fail is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go instead of how far they have come”- Anonymous.

Looking at the journey ahead, people are likely to quit on comparing the number of potholes they jumped over to the number they need to jump over again! At a point, all unseen voices will mass up in one tune to tell you; “give up”!

Beware of those voices because the same voices will tell you “thumb up” when you at last persist to triumph.

# 1. Poor preparation: (Seven (7) main reasons why people become quitters)

A task poorly prepared for will only do the best that a lorry does when it is out of fuel. Or fair enough, a fuelled vehicle with the driver’s feet on the brake pads. A poorly prepared person is linked to the five (5) foolish virgins that the scripture talked about in Matthew 25 who were compelled to give up because of unpreparedness.

To prepared means to set aside points, values, deadlines and clear lines of action as far as goals are concerned. A usual saying reads; “Prior preparation produces peak performance” and in the same vain we can say “proper preparation prevents poor performance”. Poor preparation leads to the following three (3) points;
  • 1.      Pointlessness: A person without a clear definition of goals and purpose will have no clear action to take.
  • 2.      Procrastination: A person who lacks preparation extends tasks into the future since he meets things that must but dealt with by well thought schedules.
  • 3.      Perplexed mood: Once with an undefined goal, one will be perplexed since he will not know of where to start and where to end.
In every pursuit, prepare before you set off since there is only a thin line that exists between success and failure. That thin line is “Preparation”.

# 4. A step:(Four Keys for "Starting Small")

“A journey of thousand miles must begin with a step”, said by Lao Tzu. Without a step, your desire and your thoughts are wastes. Without a real step, you are like a well fuelled vehicle, sparked with exhaust coming out of the pipes and under the vehicle are four flat tyres. What can you go with those four flat tyres? You can’t go anywhere! You will only waste the fuel because if you say “I want to get a hell out of here”, the flat tyres will reply “We won’t allow that shit”.

It does not matter the amount or type of fuel in the vehicle; the “leg” must be changed since they contribute the movement. With all set, “start small”.

# 3. Courage: (Four (4) Keys for "Starting Small")

Sarah Ban Breathnach said “Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let of the struggles and eager to learn through joy”. It takes courage to open a new set of pages in your life.

Courage is an inward declaration of personal willingness to do something you have resolved to do. With courage, you shout and say “all is right, and I can do it now”! Once the thought is achievable, backed by desire, courage says “let’s go now!”

# 2. Thought: (Four (4) Keys for "Starting Small"

“First come the thoughts, then the organization of the thoughts into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning as you will observe, is in your imagination”- the words of Napoleon Hill.

You can and must imagine a big dream, no controversy. However, your thoughts must tell you it is possible and this gives you the hope to start!

# 1. Desire: Four (4) Keys for "Starting Small"

“Desire is the starting point of all achievements; not a hope, not a wish; but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything”, said Napoleon Hill. Desire, also known as passion, is a strongly compelling emotion to do something. It is different from “like”.

When you like something, you do it at the time the interest arrives but when you desire something, will are willing to do it with commitment! Passion is a drive or an enthusiasm that can carry you far to break every chain to do what you want. Desire could be profitable or unprofitable. An unprofitable desire is called “lust” which is not a virtue, but a vice.

Israelmore Ayivor

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

# 5. Personal branding- (Five (5) things it takes to be an achiever)

Do you know how those great achievers left their success footprints on earth? It was by how they branded themselves and you can also do the same and be like them! Branding of self has to do with adding a “specific” name tag to yourself and by that name tag, you are being marketed. Any one that sees that tag reflecting in you will proclaim “that is the person we were talking about”!

If you brand yourself as a “smoker”, everyone who heard about you and sees you for the first time may be inspecting you with glances to see if smokes are coming out of your nostrils even at the time that you are not smoking! What you say, how you said it and why you said it; what  you do, how you did it and why you did it; how you feel and how you react when you feel that way, all goes into branding you with a “peculiar” trade mark that tells the whole world who you are.

# 4. Positive affirmations: - (Five (5) things it takes to be an achiever)

No great achiever had ever down-sized him or herself into a state of unworthiness. Take note; you can’t make any positive impact if you keep repeating it to yourself “I am a failure”. No. If you really want to dream and have your dreams established, you have to say positive things about yourself. Epitectus confirmed this by saying “first say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you do” and you will surely become the very person you dream to be.

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality”- Earl Nightingale

Buy books that inspire you positively. For instance, a book which mainly focuses on putting positive affirmations on the tongues of all young dreamers. Join groups with positive themes and activities. Choose friends who instill positive behaviours into you!

# 3. Constant improvement:- (Five (5) things it takes to be an achiever)

Decades ago, the Wright brothers (Orville and Wilbur) worked together to invent the first airplane which was made up of frames of metallic bars. Today, pictures of that first airplane do not look attractive in any way. Ask why and you will get the answer to be “improvement”. Today’s airplane is really different from the model invented initially and I believe if the first inventors are resurrected from the grave today to pilot today’s airplane, they might ask for some time to learn about it.

Why? It is because there were series of improvements and modifications on what was first developed and each attempt to modify the structure earns the machine more comfort.  Improvement is geared towards attaining excellence. It clearly tells us that a dream is not achieved overnight. You keep improving on upon what you dream about and work out the improvements with passion till the final product is ready to be celebrated with excellence.

If you dream about writing a book, believe it or not, you just don’t have it published on the following day. You need to draft, edit, re-edit, type… all these are meant and geared towards improving what you envision. Thus maybe you write one chapter per week or less and once committed, you will have the true version of your dream book.

As an aspiring achiever, set goals for yourself and every single step you take should shape your dream into its divine format! Take today as another day to add another block to the castle you envision!

“Repetition of the same thought or personal action develops into a habit when repeated frequently enough becomes an automatic reflex”- Norman Vincent Peale

# 2. Self-Analysis - (Five (5) things it takes to be an achiever)

Self-analysis or self-audit is a qualitative measure of regular personal assessment meant to identify any inclination or declination in personal exploits. By the attitude of self-analysis, a destined achiever or an aspiring achiever becomes aware of whether he/she is on track or wallowing in a pit of stagnation.
To audit yourself, order you conducts aright and watch yourself from the back to see how you are faring. You also ask questions about what you are doing and how you are doing it. Think about who you impress and why you impress that person. Through this you will discover the acts that add value to you and your accomplishments.

All achievers in one way or the other had encountered a tap on their respective shoulders through daily experiences that kept telling them to “get back on track”. They also had encouragements at certain times and rebukes from people who are truly responsible and offered them a mentoring directions. Rebukes made them realized that they were drifting and all they need to do is to re-align.
Carefully offer the opportunity to similar minded people to inform you about where you are heading towards and you will surely be there!

# 1. Consistent Commitment (Five (5) things it takes to be an achiever)

“Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows visions and gives us the “right stuff” to turn our dreams into reality”,says James Womack (a great author). To be committed means “to be dedicated to a task or a purpose”. All great achievers, both living and gone, had in one way or the other stayed true to what they pursued and it was all success they accumulated at the end. You can also be like them! Why not?
In other to be like them, you must show commitment to what you do. Commitment is different from interest. When you have an interest, you do it only when circumstances permit. However when you are committed, nothing can stop you!

“It was character that got us out of bed; commitment that moved us into action and discipline that enables us to follow through”- Zig Ziglar (American motivational speaker and author).

You don’t have to waste your time jumping from one task to another if unnecessary. That is inconsistency! A rolling stone gathers no moss, and by often falling to the same spot, the rain drops make holes in the rock! Be committed; be consistent and you will definitely be like them!

You will also be like them

My eyes gripped a scene on the screen a while ago when I was watching a televised documentary. The documentary was about African culture and that episode revealed pictures about African rites somewhere in the western diaspora. The shot that brought my attention to this concept was the coverage of a cemetery ground featured in the documentary. I saw a sign post mounted beside the main entrance of the fenced graveyard and on it was written “we were once like you; you will also be like us”.
On the spot I became terrified as if the inscription was written by one of the inmates of those immovable tombs and was reading it to me in voice saying “we were once like you; you will also be like us”. It took me few hours to appreciate the faultlessness of the statement after reality dawned on me. I agreed and whispered to myself, “It is a fact”. One day soon to come, our fleshes will also find resting spaces under one of those compacted stony frames although that will never be our spirit’s home.
I agree will everyone who believes and affirms “no condition is permanent”. With time, everything will change.

“For everything that the future holds, one thing is certain; it will not be the same”- Alan More
In everyone’s life, it is certain that the future will never be the same! It will definitely change whether positively or negatively!
Your assignment on earth is just to envision the future to see its change as positive. A future well-planned is always bright!

“The quality of persons’ life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor”- Vince Lombardi.
As an aspiring achiever, you have celebrated achievers who were once like you, young and dreaming big. If you truly dream and stay committed to be a great achiever like they were, you must first acknowledge this fact that they were once like you! Once they were once like you, why won’t you also be like them one day? You can, and will definitely be like them! You can graduate to that peak of excellence even being more than they were! Always put this on your tongue and affirm it every day!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

# 7. Dreaming is not a crime- (Seven (7) facts about dreams)

Nobody had ever been arrested yet on this earth on account of over-dreaming! It therefore means as long as you can dream, you have neither offended the monarchs nor the Pope!
 If dreaming had been a crime, the world would have been the same way it was few minutes after creation; no castles and no gadgets would have been in existence if it were so. All the past and present heroes we see or hear of who have contributed to make the earth a place of comfort would have spent the rest of their days in jail if dreaming were to be an evil act. You are safe to dream!

“Man alone has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man alone, can dream and make his dreams come true”- Napoleon Hill

# 6. Dreams are not expensive- (Seven (7) facts about dreams)

Dreams are not costly at all. It does not take anything from you to dream big! You don’t pay anything to anyone in order to obtain permit to dream. No organization, not even an agency, governmental or non-governmental has ever been given a task to determine the size of people’s dreams. It would have been unfair on the sides of great achievers we see or hear of today if dreams were to be directly proportional to the money they have had in their pockets initially.

It takes a child to dream; it equally takes an elderly person to dream. Rich men and paupers, all have an equal privilege to maximize the length and breadth of their dreams anytime, anyhow and in any way! Don’t stop dreaming! Dreaming doesn’t stop the moment you are old.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dreams another dream” (C.S Lewis). You have the whole time of your life to dream. It is free!

# 5. Dreams position you well- (Seven (7) facts about dreams)

It is very obvious that anyone who dreams and works towards the fulfillment of his dreams is carried automatically from a state of deficiency to a state of affluence. A dream worker meets new friends, new discoveries and new areas of success to recover. Remember, to meet those new dimensions, beware of how you position yourself. Not every position on the football field is conducive for goal scoring. You can’t be at an offside position and still think you can score a genuine goal.
Dream big and offer your dreams to put you in the right position for their fulfillment. Mike Tyson once said,

 “I am a dreamer, I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star, then I grab a handful of clouds”

When you dream about biggest things, you will by all means capture bigger things. And if your dreams are bigger, the worst that may ever happen to you is to achieve big things.

# 4. Dreams are raw; actions cook them- (Seven(7) facts about dreams)

The first step in accomplishing you dreams is the discovery of your purpose. Next to follow is dreaming about the fulfillment of the purpose you have discovered. That purpose becomes achieved the moment actions are perfectly taken to fulfill the dreams dreamt about.

“A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work”- Colin Powell

It is very obvious that spectators and bench player in a football stadium have a negligible influence on the ability of a football team to win. It’s only those who dress up and enter the game to change the worsts to the bests that have the credibility and quality to be called real dreamers.
You may have a dream or a vision towards an achievement of something eyes have not yet seen, but without actions, bet me; it’s just a fantasy that ends in thoughts and words. Remember, thoughts do more, words do much; but actions do much more.

“Vision without ACTION is merely a dream. ACTION without vision just passes the time. Visions with ACTION can change the world”- Joel Barker

You must be willing to be responsible for the actions needed to have the dreams you dreamt fulfilled. Take a close notice of this fact; “Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make them come true”- Anonymous. Wake up to cook up your dreams to the best taste of the world. Start now!

# 3. Dreams make you an innovator- (Seven (7) facts about dreams)

With well-defined dreams, you can be able to create something that was not in existence until you took the courage and patience to dream and make a new thing altogether or make something already existing in an uncommonly excellent way.
A dreamer brings in things that are marvelous and serve as a role model for other to imitate. A dreamer also sees the dawn earlier before anyone else wakes up. This was what Oscar Wildes was trying to decode in his quotation when he said; 

“Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is the one who can only find his way by the moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world”

Dreamers are leaders because they pave the ways for people to trek on and they win in their own style. Take your time to dream big and you will discover the responsibilities to accomplished them. Keep saying and confirming it in your life “I have a big dream” and you will never get bored to fulfill the responsibilities you have identified to respond to with your abilities.

# 2. Dreams tell you are still alive- (Seven (7) facts about dreams)

"When you cease to dream, you cease to live”, said Malcom Forbes. From the scope of this concept, we can settle a fact here; thus there is a difference between a person who is truly alive and another who is merely breathing and that difference is a dream.
Anyone who lacks dreams, lack an access to a fulfilled live. A fulfilled life is rated by the number of dreams that fulfilled your purpose of existence as evidenced by how swift you are able fly beyond every reasonable doubt to set your foot on success. A person who has deficiency of dreams is the one who merely lives and breathes without a thoughtful future and his / her wage is to stand still in that dreamless future without any fulfillment.

“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly”- Langston Hughes.

# 1. Dreams fulfill your destiny (Seven (7) facts about dreams)

Robert E. Hughes in a public address declared; “it’s the independent American spirit that built this country; - hardworking, entrepreneurs who believed in the reality of their dreams”. A clear focus on the above quotation teaches us three (3) lessons as follows:

1. American fore-fathers had dreams 
2. These dreamers believed and worked their dreams hardly.
3. America is a well-built nation today as dreamt many years earlier.

It therefore means that today, which was the future of yesterday, is a fulfillment of a dream once created and hoped for and believed and worked on. You owe it to yourself to change the story of your future by dreaming today!

“Yesterday is but a vision, and tomorrow is only a dream. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow, a dream of hope”- Anonymous

According to Eleanor Roosevelt, “the future belongs to those who believed in the beauty of their dreams”. By this, Roosevelt was not just referring to a merely live future, but stressing on a future well fulfilled.
The life you will live in the nearby future will surely have question to answer, problems to solve and goals to accomplish. Do you know how you will provide the answers to all those pressing requests? Edgar Cayce answers rightly; “dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions”

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

You don’t own your thoughts

Your thoughts are not your thoughts; they are the creational ideas of God. You may house them in your head but cannot own them in your brain. They come through you, but not from you. They may still stay with you, but do not belong to you.
On the six day after the birth of the world, God stopped creating things directly. He now deposited the creative ability into man by handing over His creational ideas to him in form of thoughts. Man now invents gadgets, equipments, instrument and appliances etc., by influencing the earth with heavenly power of God.
In all that we think, say and do, let’s give the credit to God, because he is the ultimate owner of our thoughts. We don’t own our thoughts!

Thoughts more, Words much, Actions much more.

It's advisable we think and dream limitlessly. It’s also no crime if we keep affirming we often think about. However, though thoughts and words seem to be “pivots” around which our failures turn into successes, actions are the “efforts” by which we lift up those success trophies. Actions do not only speak louder than words, but also for words. Just get into action and never mind to talk because your actions will speak on behalf of your words. We need the thoughts, we need the words and then the actions to move on with life and create the history of the world.

Create a history for the world

The world on its own has no history. What we usually think of as the history of the world is rather the history of great people who maximized their inherent potentials to leave indelible impacts on the earth- those are the good stories of the world. One the other hand the bad stories of the world were created by people who have had no better conscience to positively influence the world, thereby leaving pains in the hearts of others as they trampled their feet on this soil. In anyway, the good and bad stories of the world made it have a history. Your request from God should not be “tell me the history of the world” rather “let me create better history here before I leave”. Impact the world, recreate the world !!!

We are all involved

One of the lines of my favourite Ghanaian patriotic song reads “We are all involved in building our motherland”. I grew to appreciate the power of that statement so much that it reminds me always as I found in in the Cambridge Idiomatic Dictionary that; “Rome was not built in a day”. My nation was commenced by some celebrated heroes, handled by soon gone patriarchs and now in the care of the current living population, hoping to be handled to the unborn generation. All these folks have contributed to the success of one nation. We have arrived on an earth teach tells us with experiences that our activities are intertwined in such a way that not one can say “I want to mind my own business”. As it happens on the football pitch, somebody defends and someone else attacks, but they all look forward to a common victory. Remember your life is dependent on someone’s achievement and so, your achievement should also put someone to work. No one lives for himself alone. No one works to created success in the world alone. We are all involved.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

What are you doing for others?

A candle does not lose anything when it lights up another candle. It’s on this note that Martin Luther King Jnr in his sermon preached “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is ‘what are you doing for others’?”. Take your time to appreciate the fact that trees don’t eat their own fruits and rivers don’t drink their own waters. Living for one another is the rule of God and urgent purpose for creating a Kingdom. When one member mourns, we mourn with him and when another rejoices, we do it collectively because none of us was created to be independent to say “let me be and mind my own business”

Let’s go there, God

Live your life in the way that when God should come to earth to inspect the work He sent you to do, you can boldly hold His hands and say “let’s go there God”!!!. People who know they have chased other businesses aside what God sent them for will probably get panicked when God should arrive today. But the free citizens are those who are never detracted and they do the work accorded to them sincerely by the Lord. Martin Luther King Jnr exhorted: “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep the street even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all hosts of Heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great sweeper who did his job well”. What are you doing? How well are you doing it to admit God’s gladness?

Be about God’s business

The world is a maze of varieties of businesses. In Biblical scripture, Christ in Luke Chapter 2 verse 49 said it boldly with all commitment “I must be about my father’s business”. This scripture tells that there are other kinds of business out there in the universe. But what is “God’s business”? God’s business is simply the purpose He has for your life. And that can only be realized when He save you for genius success. Don’t get entangled by worldly businesses that will later end you in eternal condemnation. Be inspired to encounter the purpose of God and make and indelible impact on earth.

Pick yourself up and clean the dust

Don’t be depressed when you fall. Shake yourself of every dust on your body and keep on running again. That’s was exactly what Christ did for us. While we were yet dirty, He died and cleaned us of every dirty spot. (Rom. 8:5). When you feel worried by the emergency of a predicament, just look up to the cross. Out there, there is a re-claimer whose is greater than every circumstance! Get a hold of His garment and get yourself shaken off of your dusts and you can move on with life !!!

Live every single moment

Each and every stroke of the second hand of the clock tells that time is slipping away. Time lost can never be regained. Occupy every bit of your time towards the fulfillment of what God sent you for. Cary Grant put it this way: “My formula for life is quiet simple; I get up in the morning and go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best as I can”. Yes the fact that you are still alive tells that you have not yet finished the tasks God send you for. Make profitable use of every opportunity God gave to you because by that you will receive your reward. Never let idleness work on your behalf. Remember time lost can never be reclaimed !

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Factors to consider in Decision Making

1. Clearly define what the problem. If possible, write it down.
2. Be careful about things that look too simple. Look at all sides
3. Having done this, restate the problem.
4. Determine all possible causes to the problem
5. Prepare for the worse case scenarios; Sometimes we are afraid of the problem or our ego gets into the situation.
6. Determine all possible solutions to the problem.
7. Consult with others.
8. Conduct a 360 analysis of all proposed solutions.
9. Make the call or decision
10. Assign responsibilities to people to solve the problem. Be part of the broad solution
11. Authorize and empower them with the mandate to follow through.
12. Resource the people to succeed
13. Set deadlines
14. Set a schedule for reporting back as to what is going on.
15. Stick with implementation all the way through

- By Captain Budu Koomson


Thursday, 1 November 2012

What makes goals smartEST

We have often heard and read many books talked about the acronym SMART in goal setting which stands as S-Specific, M-Measurable, A-Achievable, R-Relevant, T-Time bound and forms a background frame into which every goal we set must fill.

However, what most of us don’t know is that goals can be Smarter comparatively and Smartest superlatively! A SMART goal unachieved remains SMART. A SMART goal established by achievements becomes the SMARTEST. What makes the Smart goal become the smartEST  is just to have it ESTablished.

To establish means to “set up”, “bring about”, “make to exist” or “to settle”. I guess you still have your goals remaining SMART. Why not take the courage now to transform them into becoming the SMARTEST? Avoid every negative attitudes that kill your goals. Work your goals out with commitment, constant improvement and focus and you will have what you once imagined becoming a real ESTablishment. By ESTablishing your goals, they become smartEST !!!

On which stage are you?

The following stages make the milestone of those who have done great things in life. 
  1. Stage one: I can’t do it
  2. Stage two: I won’t do it
  3. Stage three: I will try it
  4. Stage four: I have started it
  5. Stage five: I can do it
  6. Stage six: Look, I have done it well !!!
  • From which of the above stages have you started?
  • On which of them are you now?
  • Which of the stage will climate our overall output?

---Israelmore Ayivor