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Thursday, 30 January 2014

Work and happiness

Work and happiness are like mother and daughter; work brings forth happiness, but hard work brings great happiness!

According to Theodore Isaac Rubin, “Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best”. What every difficult task awaits you comes along with a concentrated volume of happiness. Don’t run away from difficult tasks!

“Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values”, said Ayn Rand. William H. Sheldon confirmed it by saying “Happiness is essentially a state of going somewhere, wholeheartedly, one-directionally, without regret or reservation”. Pursue the dreams you have on paper. If hard work is the source of happiness, then we can conclude that the main job of procrastination is to delay that happiness and excuses kill it!

“Pleasure” is different from “happiness”. It has its own definition. Pleasure may or may not come from hard work; Pleasure may or may not come from sin; However, happiness is divine and comes from fulfillment!
It’s great to feel happy. Go, do what makes you feel happy. Do it hard and feel the hardest happiness!

Israelmore Ayivor

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Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

You have what you need in you!

The best university in the world is neither Oxford nor Harvard. The best university is "youniversity". You got the lecture halls of thoughts in you! You got the everything you need to graduate with first class accomplishments put in you!

You are not the person people think you are. People who think you "dining hall" are not aware that you are rather a "community" with many amenities! If you see yourself as other people see you, it means you are lost, you don't know yourself and you have closed down a world class university of diligence!

My friends, life is so serious that the if you are not aware of who you are, your "Youniversity" may be prestigious but unknown! If you don't know yourself, go explore the universe; think of what you can do best; keep learning new things; ask yourself mysterious questions; never give up on what you are doing; team up with intellectuals and get on board to discover a dream, a vision, and a reason for your life!

Enroll in your body soul and spirit and engage your time to do what you know best. Dedicate yourself to the work at hand and you will be rewarded by the fruits you will bear!

Go, discover yourself!

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

Raise the bar!

Inferiority complex means to see yourself lower than what you got to confront; Superiority complex on the other hand is to see yourself greater than them!

Superiority complex does not mean "pride" although it appears to be so in the eyes of those who want to see it so. When you feel a higher esteem over the obstacles you desire to surmount, you highly overcome them and can still count a reserved energy to spare!

People with inferiority intentions do not go after their dreams not because they can't go; but because their passion is not strong enough to turn the wheels of success...and there they go, becoming losers, defeated by their obstacles!

In every dream you pursue, you attract it's respective version of opposition. Going back will not solve any problem; Regrets will not change anything either; Superiority should be your priority!

You are powerful beyond measures! You are superior to your opposition! Its time to make a change in the world. Remember, that change begins with the powerful You!

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

Superiority vs. Inferiority

Inferiority complex means to see yourself lower than what you got to confront; Superiority complex on the other hand is to see yourself greater than them!

Superiority complex does not mean "pride" although it appears to be so in the eyes of those who want to see it so. When you feel a higher esteem over the obstacles you desire to surmount, you highly overcome them and can still count a reserved energy to spare!

People with inferiority intentions do not go after their dreams not because they can't go; but because their passion is not strong enough to turn the wheels of success...and there they go, becoming losers, defeated by their obstacles!

In every dream you pursue, you attract it's respective version of opposition. Going back will not solve any problem; Regrets will not change anything either; Superiority should be your priority!

You are powerful beyond measures! You are superior to your opposition! Its time to make a change in the world. Remember, that change begins with the powerful You!

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

God alone knows best!

I get confused when a young person dies and everyone goes like "he died an UNTIMELY death"! The question is "how many years have you given to him or her to know if his current age has not reach the one you gave out?" If you don't give a number of years to someone to live, how can you know whether he exhausted them or some are left before he died?

I begun to learn lessons in life and somewhere along the line at age 16 when I lost my Dad, I concluded these three keys at that sad and cold night when I couldn't sleep due to the sad news. I called them "The three keys of mystery". Later at age 22, I watched Dr. Myles Munroe in a video where he shared "five (5) keys to set man out of depression". It's awesome my three keys of mystery appeared among the five. These I share;

1. You cannot be responsible for somethings that happen on earth. You may attempt to act, God God alone will decide. Somethings are mysteries!

2. You can't control some things that are moving; give them way to pass else they crush you woefully with painful regrets!

3. You can't know and understand everything that happens on earth. You can't explain why they happen; only God can do that, so stay away!

These keys are still fresh in my mind and in times like these where a young energetic man like Komla Dumor should pass on! This principles set me at peace in times of sadness! The one who controls our existence is above. Anything that afflicts our emotions should be channeled through to our maker; he has the best answer I believe is answer regins irrespective of our opinions and experiences about life!

Our required action in times of hurt should never be "silence in times of prayer", but "passionate in prayer and silence in times of expectations"!

God alone knows the business plan he has. Let's not distracted God with our words in time of pain!

God, take your seat, we can't occupy it!

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

Persistence is the key!

The chance that you will become a master in something after the first attempt is neither here nor there. You don't get master's degree by attending school on the first day of your life! Time will tell, so you got to persist!

You got insist on your success, resist every obstacle and persist in times of difficulty and you will get there. Every tree in the forest has a story to tell. Some of them were burnt but they endured the fire and got revived; Some of them were cut, their barks injured, some people pick up their leaves to make medicines for their sicknesses, birds used their leaves to make their nests, etc. Upon all these, the tree is still tree!

The first attempt may fail, but it does not create room for excuses. It's said that people who give excuses for the reason not do something always formulate those excuses, waiting for the reason to surface to justify their excuses! Majority of excuses are deliberate attempts to keep success far away!

Never be impressed by calling attentions that tell you to give up! Insist, Resist and Persist to the end!

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

Make extra-large impacts!

The size and height of the tree determines how heavy the ground will shake when it falls. The cassava tree falls and not even the pests in the forest are aware. The baobab tree falls and the whole forest looks empty!

What makes the forest to appear empty when a mighty tree falls? Guess. It's the influence, the dominance, the exceptional and outstanding height that give the forest a name. Such is the life of human beings!

People who make great impact are well remembered due to the empty seats that remain after their death. It takes time to fill the empty seats that are left unoccupied by people who walked great in great footprints.

What are you doing today to make a great impact on earth after your demise? Think about it! You may or may not be a famous person to answer this question. How many hearts have you been able to inspire and impress by your sense of existence?

Live life so well that, even if you die, the empty seats behind you will tell the story that, "yea, this soul did what God sent him/her to do". Give life and hope into your family, village, community, country, continent and the world at large. You can do it!

I wish you all a fruitful life (a life that has fruits). I love you!

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

The most wanted leader!

Great leaders are most wanted. They are most wanted for what they do with their gifts and talents. Their dreams are so unique in such a way that their presence becomes a source of hope and courage for others to thread on along. Why won't they look for them?

Do people need you? Is someone relieve or impressed by what you always do, say or suggest? With your own analysis, do you need yourself?

I don't mean "to be most wanted for the wrong reasons". Live your life in such a way that you will be most wanted for the right reasons! Optimize every bit of opportunity you encounter so that your inventions and innovations will receive recommendation from people who need the fruit of your tree!

Whatever dream you have is meant to lead people in the right direction. Do not neglect it. You are potentially a good leader when you decide to plant your dreams. Go, plant them and it will yield if you are there for it as a good gardener! A good Gardner is a great leader!

Long live Jesus, Long live your dreams!

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

Position demands work!

One major factor that makes most achievers to fail is their ability to know where they are going and becoming unaware of what they will have to do when they get there!

It tells about why most politicians can be aware of the offices they will occupy when they win elections and when they eventually win, they become concerned about filling their pockets instead of listening to the voices of the people!

The vision of life is not a "discovery"; it's a "work" and whatever position you occupy demands work. Your life may not be built on your visions if you get there and find yourself doing the vice. Getting there should be a priority; but being aware of the reason for getting there should be the focus!

Never climb the tree with the reason of plucking a fruit; only to get there and pick a leaf. Let everything you get there to do be done and let it be done well!

Good night and Cheers!

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

Your dreams can jump with joy!

When you are happy for other people's dreams, your dreams start jumping up with joy. Elizabeth was happy with Mary and her dream baby was jumping in her womb for joy!

Selfish people do not make it in life with joy. Your joy must lead to the joy of another person. Likewise, another person's joy should make you happy! This was how Jesus lived. His compassion was meant to make the hopeless people regain happiness and hopeful people get more hope!

When your friend rejoices and that becomes the reason why you frown your face and he/she goes down, that defines your happiness, go and watch yourself. I believe something definitely went wrong with you! Your dream wanted to jump up with joy, but your inability to accept your friend who is doing it greatly and give him or her more hope may be the reason why it had a still birth!

Go, say Hi to the very one you never gave that hope! Elizabeth is leading the way... Let's follow... One, two three…

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

Negative brands on the market...

Whatever you do gives you the name it gives. When you do a negative thing, you give a negative impression about yourself to those who watch or get to know you. That is your brand. For the sake of your dreams, don't create negative brands for yourself, else you scare away opportunities that are meant to be your turning point! Below are some negative brands you may hear or experience. It goes with what people say about how you behave.... e.g.;

>> That is the nurse who shouted on me when I was admitted at the hospital!
>> That is policeman who took 1 GH C from our driver when we were on the journey!
>> That is the pastor who advised me to go for a second wife when my first wife was giving me trouble!
>> That is the teacher who coerced me to make love with him so that he will give me a better mark in the examination!
>> That is the friend who betrayed me yesterday for the seventh time only in this week!
>> That is the lady who disappointed me when I caught her doing it red-handed!
>> That is the young man who cheated on me and told me lies upon lies!
>> That is the politician who promised to give us the moon for free, but has never lend us a torchlight
>> That is the driver who always disrespect traffic rules
>> That is the lawyer who took bribe to make my case flopped!

That is him.... There she is!

Avoid every opportunity that calls itself a privilege and is meant to create a feature of negative brands on you. Stay blessed and advice your conscience!

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

Team up with the giants!

Pure gold does not rust. Only gold alloys do so. You may have golden dreams. But if you go in the company of toxic people, your become "a gold alloy" and what that means is that you can rust at any time!

People went rushing and they never knew. Take time and re-examine your dreams. Now, think about the company you keep. Are they parallel? If not, please advise yourself!

You are a gold by divine authority. Go closer to gold and you will shine together; go closer to something that cannot shine and you will dim your light!

Be careful when choosing a friend!

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

God knows you!

A manufacturer does not finish making his products before asking "what will I use this for"?. He knows the reason why he is making it and makes it to fulfill that reason! God knows why he was creating you before he did so. It's not now that He will think of what to use you for...

May He guide you to make the right choices!
May He equip you to follow the right directions!
May He save you to pursue your ideal dreams!
May He empower you to do all things meant for you!

He can do it... He has done it! Never look down on upon yourself because God did not look down on His creative abilities when He was about to create you. Whatever reason He has for your life will come to pass if only you are walking on His path. Remember, your great riches are on the ways God created. If you miss the way, you are automatically missing the great treasures!

Walk on the way!

#UcanDoIt #moretalks

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

Don't rush to judge!

Before you point fingers at someone, clean them well. You better remove that log on your lens before you can see the speck on someone's own afar!

Sometimes you'll remove the log from your own eyes and to your amazement, you will see that your friend has no speck there after all the suspicions. You got to see before you judge!

Let it not seem to you that you are the only right person ever! "Whatever I say is final" is a statement of people who have unhealthy egos! Never be part of that sect.

One of the greatest ever statement that can keep your mind at peace is that "I am right, but I may be wrong"! Yes, you are right but you may be wrong!

Point fingers if only you clean the lines in your palms! If you can't clean the lines, don't point the fingers!

#UcanDoIt #moretalks

Israelmore Ayivor

Visit Amazon for books by Israelmore. Click here


Pick a Copy of the Book Creeds for Aspiring Achievers. Click the Image below

Creeds for Aspiring Achievers- by Israelmore Ayivor

Thursday, 16 January 2014

God's thoughts are on you!

God had not created anyone with the idea of destroying him or her later in life. He has a reason for creating you and he is ready to guide you to make it come to pass if only you give him a chance to do so.

God's thoughts for you are not thoughts of failure, suffering and chronic deprivation! You may go through a temporal hardship but remember, that is not going to last long; God will relocate you for your permanent identity when you permit him to come into your life.

The good book says His plans are meant to prosper us and give us and expected end, but not to harm us;

I decree and I declare;

We are sons and daughters with a perfect will. We are sons and daughters of a successful end. We are sons and daughters of prosperity. Ask why? It is because that is our fathers' thought concerning our lives. It will never fail in Jesus' name!

We will live to give the Lord his due praise! With him, we can do it. Amen!.

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

Know your dominant talents!

Not every seed germinates when planted. Some get rotten just to add manure to the soil. You have many gifts, but it's only the dominant ones that make you a leader in your field of assignments. 

The recessive gifts only connect you to the right people and places.

Don't despise the gift that is in thee. No piece of your inherent talent is too small. Know your gifts. Plan and plant them for a successful harvest. The dominant gifts in you determine the position at which you will lead others.

You can only give what you have. Your gift is what you have; work on it and give it now!

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

Patience with hard work...

There are two kinds of patience. One is exercised in hard work and the other in idleness. Patience with hard work is the one that moves mountains. Patience in idleness moves nothing, not even cobwebs.

If there should be any good thing that will come to idle people, then they are the left-overs rejected by hard workers. And guess "what's good with a surplus"?. Never be patient without having made any right choice. Be restless until your good is better, and your better becomes best and your best turns into excellence!

We always desire to celebrate your success with you. Never give up... You, I mean #UcanDoIt!

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

Let Change flow!

Fill your hearts with true humility and make your nation great and strong; bold to defend forever!

Fill your hearts with true integrity and make your steps to be taken with hope and great expectation!

Fill your mind with positive thoughts and great plans and transform the world, one person at time!

Fill your mind with positive ideas and think outside the box to make an indelible impact on your society!

Everything you need is on you. You are a channel through which change must flow. Permit yourself to get involved in building our motherland!


#UcanDoIt. Great day!

Get wisdom, Get understanding!

Wisdom is the ability to make wise decisions and pursue them. The bible said "wisdom is the principal thing". This means it's the number one thing ever that you cannot bypass and expect to succeed!

When you are able to know the right thing, you are intelligent. But when you choose that right thing to do, you are wise. This means people can get money, education, marriage, and good health and not get wisdom. Wisdom is the number one gift for Godly success. And it gets its source from its owner!

How then do you get wisdom? The number one principle for getting the principal thing is TO FEAR THE LORD!

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom! This is simple. Fear God and grow in his wisdom!

God will guide you to do it in his own wisdom. Amen!

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

Don't stop learning!

When you abbreviate your learning, you abbreviate your growth. Learning is like the fuel that moves the machinery of your body towards its destination of success. Shortage is possible, hence spare supply is necessary!

The day you stop learning is the day you begin to die. Lack of knowledge is the fundamental principle for killing live dreams. Intellectual death is endemic in areas where people are not prepared to gain new information for development. Save your mind from a premature death by always learning something no matter your age!

Learn more, growth wiser! You can do it; and why not?

Recreate Your World and I believe you can!

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

Leave their dreams; Live your dreams!

Dream murderers are people who refuse to learn and optimize their own dreams. They discourage others from going ahead to make it happen. Why? Because they don't want go go higher and they want everyone to be like them!

Dream thieves are those who leave their real dreams aside and struggle to pick other people's dreams to work on. They suffer do attempt what they can't do, instead of concentrating on what makes them happier every day!

"Celebrity life" had caused us more harm than Good. People are eager to walk in other people's pair of shoes that does not fit them. The result is that, their dreams begin to imitate a "tortoise" walk!

Never stop learning to be who you are meant to be just because you have found someone and decided to be like him/her. You go into extinction by being obsessed about becoming something else by travelling in the wrong car while your real self keeps waiting at the bus stop for your unfulfilling return!

Fit yourself where you are before fix yourself where you can be! Your dreams are your solid rock; all other dreams are sinking sands!

Recreate Your World and I believe you can!

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

Motivate yourself always!

Passionate people are always ready to stand for their dreams even if no one stand with them. They vote and vote alone for their dreams but never loss their nomination for excellent leadership!

You cannot do anything unless you allow your passion to motivate you. People may tell you, "you can do it", "you can make it" "it's possible" but when you tell yourself always " I can't make it", it's your choice that rules everything!

Stop blaming people for not helping you to solve your problems. The question is simple "are they the ones in the problem with you"? People may teach you, people may advise you, people may inspire you, but it takes YOU to go the extra mile and make an indelible impact!

Live life so well; live it with all seriousness; be filled with passion to tell yourself always "I Can do it" and why not?

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

Watch your company!

The company you keep can either dilute or concentrate your passion for a well fulfilled life. I agree with the saying that "show me your friends and I will show you your future". People you hung up with have the potential to either stop you or propel you.

You can have a simple conversation with someone after which you rise up on your toes, believing you can eat an elephant by just a single bite. You may also have a chat with another person and then believe the snail can chase you to harm you.

Whatever the seeds of dreams you have can meet whatever soil is available. Some soils give a stunted growth and this means you got to watch out always! With the company you keep, you can either thank God for the beautiful rose flowers among thorns or complain bitter of thorns around beautiful rose flowers.

Never leave your life plan to be determined by people who are not going where you are going. For the sake of your dreams and also for the sake of the people God created to benefit from your God-give talents, stay away from toxic people. Mount the shoulder giants and see farther ahead!

Keep it calm and watch your company!

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

Mental make-ups!

Don't rush to design your face to look beautiful, attractive and charming. Rather, be quicker to decorate your mind to appear as goal-oriented, passion-embedded and action-driven. Your mental make-ups are the contents of your everyday thinking; they carry a charge that can either transform, reform or destroy you. Watch your thoughts, they determine your life!

As a man thinks, so is he; as one lays his bed, so he lies on it. Your mind control your actions and that means when your mind gives you designer thoughts, your actions too are going to be designer actions!

Never settle for anything inferior. Inferiority complex sets in when your mind is not decorated enough to inform you that you have pretty and cheerful potentials! The beauty of your mind depends on the "make-ups" you use to feed it. A "can-do-spirit" is the best cosmetic. It never fades your mental beauty!

Think possibility; Make-up the thoughts and there you go glittering with a fulfilled life!


#UcanDoIt. Great day!

Go, plant the dreams!

Imagine you are planting a seed and a butterfly is standing on a flower afar, just watching you... Do you know what it has in mind? It is just saying, "go ahead and plant... I will help you with pollination".

It's the same thing that happens when you are doing the assignment God sent you for. He stops to take a stare at you with the impression, "How much of blessing is needed for him to accomplish this task?" He then sends this required blessing in his own will for the fulfillment of the assignment He sent you for.

God will bless the work you started. No wonder Bible repeatedly said "He will bless the work of your hands". Guess, if you don't take actions, what is God going to bless for you? The butterfly is willing to pollinate the flowers. But if you don't plant the seed, the butterfly get nothing to pollinate!

Go, get the dreams! Go, plant the gifts God gave you. Invest into your talents. God is willing to send the showers of blessings! God will never leave you. He will make your flowers bear fruits if only you "GO AHEAD” and plant those seeds in you!

Live life so well with the faith that you can plant it. Yes you can! You can do it!

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

#7. Fear of the unknown: (Seven types of FEAR that drives success away)

This is the oldest kind of fear that cripples the successes that could have been keeping the entire world at the level of excellence by now.

This kind of fear could see even if you close your eyes and keeps your body hot even if the weather is cold. This fear has its good side and that is to say, it keeps us out of trouble. However it is this same fear that can keep us away from our successes.

Inasmuch as a child may fear the darkness because he does not know what may be hiding there and would be protected, so can a man waste his opportunity to invest into a business that produces more profits because he does not know what is in there for him.

Risk taking is a major component of successful action plans. But the fear of the unknown is a major threat to this component. If you always declare yourself a loser when you dream about creating a path which would lead to a place no one had been before, you will miss your success out. Take calculated risks and bear it in mind that “everything was impossible until the first person had it done”.

Read the full article with all the "Seven (7) types of fear that drives success away" by clicking here...

One week is already gone. Enjoy the rest of the 51 weeks in 2014!

Shalom and Peace to you!

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

#6 Fear of starting all over again: (Seven types of FEAR that drives success away)

This is the kind of fear that makes people presume that once their first attempts fail, all other attempts are potential failures. People who think like that always give up when they are close to their successes. 

They define their present failure as a justification for their unwillingness to start again. The ideas of starting again are feared because of the shame, blame and damn they will experience again when the failure should repeat itself.

It is not guaranteed that success emerges from the first attempts. The first attempt is likely a source of failure, but a person with passion is energized to try again and again till he succeeds at last. 

Passionate people find it difficult to give up. Why?
This is because they have found something to die for!

Read the full article with all the "Seven (7) types of fear that drives success away" by clicking here... 

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

# 5. Fear of the unattempted: (Seven types of FEAR that drives success away)

You may have watched old people showing their regressions for the things they knew they should have done when they were young but could not do. Some of them express this when a child speaks to them about their passions. “I had also wished to be a pilot when I was young, but…”, are the formats of their words and their sentences usually end with justifications such as lack of money and support, most of which are lies. 

The major dream killer is the fear of starting to live your dreams. When your dreams remain dreams or have graduated into clearly defined plans, but remain to sit on the paper for years till it becomes too late, those dreams will definitely die their unnatural deaths and then become “ghosts”. 

Because your fear was their killer, their first and last point of attack is you! They keep worrying your mind till you becomes angry at the situations that could not make you unleashed them. The easier way to conquer the fear cause by the undone things is to have them done before it becomes too late.
Never leave your plan unattempted.

Read the full article with all the "Seven (7) types of fear that drives success away" by clicking here... 

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

# 4. Fear of causing harm to others: (Seven types of FEAR that drives success away)

This type of fear keeps plans under lock. A person may dream and make plans to execute those dreams, but obsessive thoughts about others may pin him to be static. Some of those thoughts would arise from the common culture of the people. 

Some people do believe that they must all be at equal levels and anyone who tries to progress must be brought low. However, they don’t make any attempt to make progress uniformly.

There are situations where you may be persuaded to become inactive because your success may bring harm to others. If you are too obsessed over how they should feel instead of how you should optimize your talents, you are not going to make it. It is not right you make yourself as equal sinner just because your righteousness will cause harm to the friends you are with. Don’t think of those who are not doing it; you must do it.

Your assignment is different from another person’s own and hence, the negligence attitude of someone must not suppress your passion.

Read the full article with all the "Seven (7) types of fear that drives success away" by clicking here... 

#UcanDoIt. Great day!

#3. Fear of shame: (Seven types of FEAR that drives success away)

This is the type of fear that makes it difficult for a person to begin a task or complete it. The person might be concentrating on the consequences of failing more than that of succeeding. 

Due to mockeries they will receive when they are not able to win, most people conclude that it is better not to try than to fail and be mocked. This thought is failure on its own because it kills the passion in you.

There are situations too where nobody is pursuing a dream in life and you beginning to be the only one thinking that far. It is likely for the others to consider you as a mad person because all that you do is not part of their culture. 

You may end up changing your association if you want to win, or give away your premature success because of the fear of shame.
Shame is a product of low self-esteem, a bad attitude that would only make you to avoid taking up the challenge and dare!

Read the full article with all the "Seven (7) types of fear that drives success away" by clicking here...

Shalom and Peace to you!

#UcanDoIt. Great day!